For some who live in the Caribbean, if you were to ask this they might think that you were referring to an effeminate Christ figure (Auntie Christ). However, most will realize what it is that the term Antichrist refers to one who is prophesied to come in the last days who is opposed to Christ or portrays himself to be a substitute for Christ.
The apostle John wrote to the Christians in the first century that "even now, there are many antichrists have appeared" (1 John 2:18) He spoke of the 'spirit of antichrist' alive in the world. Nearly two thousand years later that spirit has infected every aspect of our lives, including the professing Christian church.
So, what is the spirit of antichrist? and who is this person that is called 'The antichrist'?
Let us start by asking how we have come to the place where it is nearly impossible to define right and wrong? The only thing considered wrong today are those who actually attempt to define right and wrong. The problem really is who gets to set the standard? Do we allow a transcendent God to define morality or are we to allow a fickle elite among men to do so?
Throughout the centuries there have been elitist men who have attempted to rule the world. They have used religion and even the teachings of Christ to advance their claims of world dominion. From Popes to Potentates, various despots have arisen to rule nations and continents.
In the last century alone, a flurry of self appointed demagogues have sought to exercise dominion over vast territories and those familiar with biblical prophecy have wondered if this one or that one is 'The Antichrist'.
So, is President Obama the Antichrist?
What the Bible teaches us about 'The Antichrist' is that he is a man that arises from among the non Jewish nations and that his power comes, not through military conquest but through economic conquest. He is to come with universal acceptance, as a rider on a white horse (Revelation 6:2) imitating the true Christ who is yet to appear (Revelation 19:11)
This false Christ will have a plan for world peace through world economic, political and religious governance. He appears with a bow of universal authority but no arrows to acquire his power through military conquest (Rev 6:2)
He is to be one that fulfills the longings of many echoed in the words of John Lennon's song "Imagine".
What is the spirit of antichrist?
The apostle John once again tells us that is is one who denies that Jesus is the Christ i.e. the Son of God; Messiah (1 John 2:22); Those who do not confess that Jesus is from God; and those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as having come in the flesh. (2 John 1:7)
An honest look at the life and teachings of Jesus Christ reveals that His teachings are inclusive of all mankind regardless of ethnicity or gender. The message that He preached is applied to every one. "He is the true light that lights every man (person) that comes into the world". (John 1:9)
Yet He also clearly taught that of His is the only true way of salvation and "few there be that find it" (Matthew 7:14) He emphatically stated that He alone was Himself the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to God except through Him. (John 14:6) His disciples echoed that when they declared that "there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved". (Acts 4:12)
So then what is this spirit of antichrist? It is simply that thought that has just come into your mind as you read the above claims of Christ. The spirit of antichrist is anything that dismisses or denies the claims of Christ to be the only way of salvation.
Jesus Christ makes an exclusive claim to be "the door" of salvation or 'the sheepfold" as He puts it (John 10:7-10). The spirit of antichrist is that which denies Jesus Christ is the Lord and that He is the only way of salvation. Anyone else who claims that is a thief and a robber.
The author of this paper was just such a thief and robber believing and proclaiming that there are many ways to God. At the age of 23, God showed me that there can be no other way. Either Jesus is Lord or He is a madman. There is no middle ground.
The Scriptures call the Antichrist the man of sin. The Apostle Paul says that this man of sin will not be revealed until the church is removed from the earth. Since the Lord's Church on the earth is still here, the man of sin has not yet been revealed.
So, while it is true that most Presidents of the past century have more or less promoted the spirit of antichrist, it appears that this current President is little different in that respect, but he is not that man of sin.
Of which spirit are you today?
Steve McMurray
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